Elisabeth Victoria Dodson: "Lisa"

LisaPurveyor of all things cute 'n' perky; bubbly and touchy-feely. Snuggles are given out abundantly, usually after she pounces you.

Animal: Fox/Dachshund Mix
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 109
Age: 17

Quote: "Hieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

Major: English

Room: 304 (roommate to Cindy)

It's all about being social. To Lisa it is, anyways. She just likes the attention--not in an immature manner, but just in evoking reactions from others, especially happy ones. She's the eternal optimist and tries to spread her good moods around liberally.  Her bubbly, outgoing personality just asks for attention, and if you don't give it, she'll take it with surprise pounces, snuggles, bearhugs. Lisa SketchOne of her main hobbies is theatre/drama--what better way to blend her love of literature with a performance that hopefully will raise everyone's spirits? Lisa tends to be a bit boy crazy, but her pursuits have to be consistent with her beliefs; she ignores guys who are self-absorbed or moody. Okay, she doesn't ignore them, she just isn't interested. Mikey fascinates her simply because she can't figure him out at all ...

Human Version:
Human Lisa

Characters: Tony | Kevin | Brad | Mikey | Cindy | Lisa | Scott | Dani | Biff

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