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I'm not a huge websurfer, but here's a few links I jump around to. First, online comics (of course) and online comic hubs. Next, a few online artists who don't do comic strips, but put out lovely work and have often been in my attempts to improve TCM art. And, finally, a few websites for choice syndicated strips I recommend, in case you don't have them in your newspaper.


The online cartoonists' network that hosts this site. Not only does it house many of my favorite strips below, but over 40 comics of all genres--avante-garde, family, sci-fi, adventure, serialized, slice of life, animals, and mature.
It's a one-stop comic station, with plenty of interpromotional opportunities and convenient navigation to make our comics into a community, not just cohorts. Many thanks to Chris, Darren, Nate and Teri for their hard work there!

Funny Farm
by R. "Dal" Smith


Six lives collide in a boarding house, woven into long story arcs.

by Thomas K. Dye

M - F

TV news station staffed by pets. Film at eleven.

The Suburban Jungle
by John "The Gneech" Robey


An aspiring model juggles jobs, romance, and her dream.

by Mark Stanley


Sci-fi misadventures of the crew of a dilapidated space cruiser.

Kevin & Kell
by Bill Holbrook


A mismatched family experiences life via the internet.

by Darren "Gav" Bleuel


Brainiacs just want to have fun.

Ozy & Millie
by D.C. "Rain" Simpson


It's tough being a kid, especially when you're smarter than most adults.

by Jeff Darlington


Adventures of a small computer company.

Master Zen-Dao Meow
by Brett Ward &
Patrick Schaeffer


Existential epic comic of a zen student seeking enlightenment via exploring past lives.

Gene Catlow
by Albert Temple


International and local politics and intrigue in a mixed-species city.

A Doemain of Our Own
by Sue Parkin


The deerest couple you'll ever meet.

by Yackley/Fried/Caffrey


Two mismatched roommates attend a wizards' university.

Sabrina Online
by Eric Schwartz

of mo.

Life after graduation with your married roommates, your Transformers, and your Amiga.

Tonja Steele
by Joey Hetzel


Single mother Amazon-cop kicks life's butt, and vice versa.

Dandy & Company
by Derrick Fish

M - F

A boy & his dog gone very wrong.

by Amber Panyko


Fantasy role-playing has harsh run-ins with reality.

by Maritza Campos-Rebolledo


Three guys, three girls, and a pet rock.

Bruno the Bandit
by Ian MacDonald


Inept medieval swashbuckler and his overworked/underpaid sidekick dragon.

The World of Vicki Fox
by Laura Howell
& Michael Russell


Wholesome slice of life of a young woman and her buds.

Unlike Minerva
by Terrence Marks
& Isabel Gonzalez


Vaudeville theater on a small island

I got this Smart Move award (shared with Bruno the Bandit, above) courtesy of Cerulean (also above) which is bestowed on comic strips that have any new developments (new character, navigation, plotlines) that is a definite move in the right direction. Here, Cerulean was acknowledging that I finally gave the site a much-needed reorganization--a more regular weekly update, one strip per page, better main page navigation. Took me almost a year to get EVERYTHING streamlined, though :-)
I've received the April's Choice Award for August 2000, courtesy of Maritza Campos-Rebolledo of the online comic College Roomies From Hell. April's Choice is just a monthly review of strips by blonde CRFH cutie April, and coming from the most consistently wacky and outrageous online comic, it's a great honor. Take a peek at what Maritza has to say about the CM, and if you haven't already (and you're a fool if not!) check out CRFH too!


Candy's Art Haven - Candy Palmer has mastered a wide array of styles, including Disney, Batman TAS, personal projects, and recently, a great influx of anime. Cartoony female anatomy perfected!

Crazy Lizard Studios - Home to Matthew Smith, Sarah Jacotine and Matthew McGowan. Three artists naturally makes for a grab bag of material, though running themes of sci-fi, fantasy (including Matt S's Orc Encyclopedia), anime, and inimitable British humor (the captions are half the fun!) make themselves known throughout.

Crow's Homepage - Mostly Disney-based art of Amy Steele, especially Gummi Bears and Mighty Ducks, but hop around for some slightly darker work too.

Cybercat Graphics - Stephanie Stone's creations, usually drawn with vivid comic-book realism. Phenomenal detail and anatomy, and especially recommended for X-men fans.

Frithcat Productions - Utterly adorable art courtesy of Marci McAdam. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, yet still able to encompass a good variety of character and animal types.

Griffin Park Studio - John Nunnemacher's home on the web. Gosh, can you tell he's an animator? Lotsa snuggy classic-animation style character,s and a few running projects you should go and poke him about to hurry up and release!

The Jungle - Kelly Hamilton's various art projects. Not sure how she does it, but lately her manual coloring has achieved a lovely sense of delicacy and warmth.

Kanthara's Loft - Mostly Gargoyles-themed art from Karine Charlebois, but more than enough other stuff to keep you busy. Much of it awash with stunning Photoshop coloring!

Kylen Miles - various projects by Ms Miles, tho prolly best-known for Road Rovers and Balto fanart. She's obviously a dog-lover, but I won't hold that against her ;-)

Toonapalooza! - Wackiness from Jen Seng. Take the best elements of anime, juggle it with Looney Tunes, and inject it with a twisted sense of humor that's clearly 100% original...and don't forget the sheep!

XianJaguar's Lair - Brenda DiAntonis' homepage. Finally someone who favors the larger cats, woooo! And they've never looked better, with a solid not-too-cartoony-not-too-realistic style. Needs more Staci Squid, tho :-)


I highly recommend the strips above, but there's obviously other great ones too. Comic hubs like the ones below are convenient pathways for dozens of strips.

The Belfry: Links to animal-based comics; extremely all-inclusive. Host of a several animal-based comics.


Aheh.  Well, just this one for now.  I need to work on it, I know.

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All images on this site are © Vince Suzukawa/Classwork Comics, 1997-2002