Links & Stuff

I don't really surf the web--like I have time between work and drawing :-)
I do naturally have an interest in other comics, though, so here's a few choice links that I check out.
The VERY generous host of this domain! Thanks, Tug!
Purrsia is an art host of sorts. Several other strips can be found through their main page, including Unlike Minerva, Haul Trek and Freefall (below).


Not in any newspaper (yet!), but quality stuff anyways.

Funny Farm

Daily slice-of-life strip created by my bud Ryan Smith.  Six residents of a boarding house and their daily trials and tribulations, ranging from their favorite maple syrup and TV shows to a masked gunman stalker. What more could anyone ask for? Maybe a little innuendo? ;-)


Sci-fi funnies updated Mon/Weds/Fri, by Mark Stanley. Poor Florence could not have known what she was getting into, being recruited by the conniving Sam and sweetly innocent Helix. Her loyalty, dedication, and hard work only pays off with flying trucks and roadkill dinners. But all in the most fun fun way!

Absolute Tripe

Weekly strip by Charles Engelhard. Three semi-recurring characters in totally random settings. And I mean RANDOM. Weird, booger-eating, Lego-fire-cracker-exploding, water-heater-lawn-ornament randomness. Some people draw comics, but Charles knows how to *cartoon*! 


Mon/Weds/Fri strip by Darren Bleuel, vaguely based in a college setting. Gav is just your ordinary, average, nuclear engineering student. At least, since I don't know any other nuclear engineers, I'll have to take his word that they all must have monstrous mechanical ants, friends who proclaim themselves royalty, and labs that double as apartments. I'm sure all the hanging out in bars has got to be accurate, tho.

College Roomies From Hell!

Daily strip by Maritza Campos, even more vaguely set in a college. Three guys, three girls, all pretty much insane. That's pretty much all I can describe offhand, you kind of have to see it. Nothing is normal. Not the cooking. Not the insects. Not the subliminal T-shirts. Or even the paranormal psychotic hand puppets with minds of their own.

Bruno the Bandit

Anachronistically medieval Monday-Saturday strip by Ian McDonald. Overworked-underpaid swashbuckler Bruno fights the law, and the law generally wins. Thank goodness even-more-overworked/underpaid micro-dragon Fiona is there to save the day. And four panels of Ian's work usually has more detail than most comic book pages out there.

Kevin & Kell

Mon-Friday by Bill Holbrook with the unusual theme of the internet + families. Opposites attract, especially when these opposites are natural predators/prey. Yet Kevin and Kell still make their family work, even with three equally opposite offspring. Read carefully, because there is a complex melding of dozens of running storylines.

The Suburban Jungle

Mon/Weds/Fri+Sunday strip by John "The Gneech" Robey, time-sharing with Gneech's fantasy-based other project, Never Never. It's tough being a beautiful supermodel-to-be with too many suitors and too big of a technical job. And even tougher to be sweet, grounded in reality, and likeable at the same time. Tiffany is quite a woman (tigress?), tho.

Absurd Notions

Tues/Thurs/Sat strip by Kevin "Cerulean" Pease, kinda sorta roommate oriented too. I like to call this the Frasier of comic strips (for those of you who actually watch television). Smart and sophisticated without cheap laughs, yet still funny, often on several levels. And, uh, don't let clueless Biff Bergendy get in the way of this strip being labeled "smart."

Soap On A Rope

Three-times-a-week strip by Bob Roberds...defies description, but ensemble-cast based too. I can roughly summarize this as constant jabs at pop culture and the slackers that perpetuate it. Aliens may visit, houses may blow up, and parallel worlds emerge, but rest assured Max and Stu will pull through completely...uh...scathed (what IS the opposite of unscathed?)

Ozy & Millie

Monday-Friday strip by Dave Simpson. It's centered around kids, and normally I hate kids. But this strip retains the innocence and charm of childhood, where nothing is too difficult if you've got a best friend and cool parents, and mocks everything else that makes childhood miserable; popular kids, bullies, clueless teachers and trend-followers. Oh, and it's, funny too!


Monday-Saturday techie strip by Jeff Darlington. This isn't "just another computer strip"; instead of endless coding gags, the center stage is taken by overzealous programmers Nick, Fooker and Ki, further balanced by others like the psychotic marketing guru Trudy and aristocratic slime mold (yes, slime mold) Fred. A strip for *all* geeks, not just computer mavens (er...what does that say about me?)

Life At Bayside

Monday-Friday strip by Curtis Berry. Nine Hagar House-mates (including easygoing punk-rocker Bob, couch potato "Chunk", and Barney, the belligerent talking badger) endure mostly ordinary college themes--booze, wild parties, harassing jocks--spiced up with hick-town lynch mobs, "The Lethargic Duo," and a time-lapsed will. And good lord, they've actually been shown IN CLASS several times! What's up with that?

Triangle & Robert

Daily strip by Patrick Shaughnessy, best described as a minimalist buddy strip. Ultra-simplistic art frames the surreal adventures of lackadaisical Robert and long-suffering Triangle. Self-referential and visual (or lack thereof) gags abound. It violates much of what I look for in a strip but still fascinates me. Must be all the talk about pudding. Mmmm, puddiiinng...


Monday-Friday strip by Thomas Dye. An ensemble of colorful pets (need I say most are dogs?) hosts and runs a TV news show produced by their human owner. An almost retro style of cartooning complements extremely topical current event gags. Like a political cartoon, only fun. Needs more cats, tho :-)

Unlike Minerva

Monday-Friday strip with a unique concept; it's written by Terrence Marks, but drawn by a large number of rotating guest artists. A small island Vaudeville theatre provides the backdrop for various ensemble hijinks. It's all over the map, but my favorite part is the growing tension between sly con-artist Kimberley and struggling (in many ways) performer Brisbane...

Sabrina Online

Four strips a month by Eric Schwartz. Continuous running story arcs; Sabrina searches for fulfillment in romance and a job, aided by an Amiga and many Transformers, while her roommates Amy and Thomas settle into the life of newlyweds. There's a fair amount of suggested hanky-panky, so little kiddies should steer clear, but it's not really visual. And did I mention the art ROCKS???

I got this award (shared with Bruno the Bandit, above) courtesy of Cerulean (also above) as an acknowledgement of the changes to the organization of this website that make it a lot easier to navigate. Now I just have to hurry up and update everything in the archives too :-)


I highly recommend the strips above, but there's obviously other great ones too. Comic hubs like the ones below are convenient pathways for dozens of strips.

The Belfry
Links to animal-based comics; extremely all-inclusive.

Comicsrunner at
Another general server. More animal-based comics, but more descriptive and selective than Belfry.
Very large comic database, which interactively allows the creators to categorize, describe, and self-promote their strips as much as they like.

Astronerdboy's Comics
A great resource for all comic strips, online or not.
Large collection of comic strips of all sorts, conveniently organized for mass-viewing.
The closest you can get to a professional online-only syndicate. Mostly newspaper strips, but a few not nationally syndicated yet too.
A chart ranking of homepages based on readers' votes (that means YOU!) Click on "vote", see if there's anyone else you wanna vote for, and send in your ballot with my thanks...


Published strips. If your local newspaper doesn't carry them, you're missing out! Thankfully the web is here to help out.

Bill Watterson's "Calvin and Hobbes" (encore postings)
Hopefully this trendsetting but unfortunately discontinued strip needs no introduction; a boy, his tiger, and their imagination.

Bill Amend's "Foxtrot"
Family hijinks taken to the extreme.

Jerry Scott/Jim Borgman's "Zits"
A strip any modern teenager should be able to relate to--but probably not their parents :-)

Mark O'Hare's "Citizen Dog"
Who rules the roost--the man or the dog?

Wiley's "Non Sequituur" + "Homer"
Daily strips with no recurring theme except acerbic wit, plus a Sunday-only running storyline about a wandering soul known as Homer

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